music counter

My pure Love Welcomes You

Devotion. Giving Love instead of Grief. It may feel like your swollowing a Stone , however, Love falls into silence, no bitter reaction, honey not vinager. Serve with Love not burden. Carry a torch of Devotional love not a burden on the spine of your mind.

Star to Earth Goddess

My photo
I am a artist, I paint., also woodburning. I am a musician I play the Didgeridoo and do healing sessions with the Didgeridoo .I teach Yoga at The BirdHouse Community Center 800 North 4th Avenue in Knoxville TN. I'm in the middle of Galaxy,Nebula space painting right now, which I only do during 6 months in hot weather of the year. I'm also a licensed Cosmetologist and do Creative Hair Color and Cut's.Comic book writer.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Working on music again

I've been working on a cd for my ganpati kriya chant with a great classic Bolero.
Made some more music with our string instruments with Seva.
And Seva's been doing edits on our space music.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Being in the arms of the Divine Mother Washington D.C. trip, stayed at the Hotel Alexandria Mark Center 30 floors high, wow.
Me and Rama had a blast at the Amma event and got to do Dhashan. We got our hugs from Amma and I must say it is beyond words. This was out second hug ~ for we had hugged her a year ago in Washington.Rama HUGGED AND TICKLED ALL CHILDREN LOVE AND MORE LOVE , BE IN LOVE~LIVE IN LOVE~SHARE LOVE THROUGH DEVOTION OF SELFLESS SERVICE

Friday, July 16, 2010

The AMMA event and HUG/Music/LOVE/Washington Virginia DC

I drove through 6 thunder storms to get to The part of Virginia thats 20 min from DC to see and Hug AMMA once again. The Music and Indian Food with Chocolate is a once in a life time experience , and if your lucky and make a heart felt conscious effort you can be with Amma the divine mother more than once. Each time it is healing , loving, and transformed. 
The Indian Bhajans, spiritual music with so much love,soul and light infused and everywhere and the energy of MA and the whole Hotel is turned into tower of light pulsating the vibrations of love~~ you feel you can lay on the ground and melt into mother earth.And all the new faces seem like neutral to loving brothers and sisters , fathers, and Goddess Mothers.People remove their mask's, and look with their hearts an listen with heart~devotion~serve~devotion~be in Devotion.However, this was an event of experience that is hard to put into words.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cinnamon Rolls as the galaxy's of the Universe and Tree houses of Light

Wow, making the Cinnamon rolls this morning , they were all swirls resembling little galaxy's floating around in a kitchen of love. And on top of that I found a great blog tree house corner in the collective internet universe. I sure would love to have and share a tree house like these, of course any tree house would b nice, remember what it was like being a kid and having your own little get away....................O2treehouse.blogspot,com

Monday, April 12, 2010

If you look deep enough you will see music; the heart of nature being everywhere music.
Thomas Carlyle
I leave you my portrait so that you will have my presence all the days and nights that I am away from you.
Frida Kahlo

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I am universe

I am Universe, I feel the constant flow of all Love, light and Dark flowing through me. The darkness is not a scary place , it's a place of great birth. Christ has Risen . I am Ready StarMan

Being the Creative Creator

I have created 7 paintings already and it's just early spring. I'm really feeling the Flow of Divine Joy of Love coming from the universe. As time is and day and night, money woes can and do slow down progress. Maybe it's the preferance of working on Canvas-that's truly slowing down painting production. If you didn't know, I'm trying to get enough paintings in stock for a space show. I've built up some stock , however, I will triple or quadruple the amount of paintings this year so I can have a pre-show before the big space show. I've done 6 watercolor and 1 oil painting.All systems go Major Tom

Thursday, April 1, 2010

cooking canvas and making DandiLion Tonic

Cooking canvas, and making Dandilion tonic. Don't spray your dandilions with weed killer. They make a tea, just add honey or another sweetner. Stimulant , good on kidneys,liver an spleen, anti-mucus.Boils water-take water off hot eye, add flowers( orputin bottle let sit in sun, add the little flowers). Pre-add flowers if you brew in in sunlight .10 to 20 min stove top, sun-when it water is not clear.Strain❤ I've started my Galaxy and nebula painting, will have at least 6 months of outside processing. yea

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Making music with Seva

I'm always so inspired after I listen to the music  giggs I've done with my husband Seva. He has been a total blessing in my life with Music. I finally feel like I'm getting to do some of the things I wanted to do when I was a kid. Funny thing, that was one of my nicknames with a musical friend i had. He was older and I watched him play in several bands through the years---he always called me "The KID".

Monday, March 29, 2010

craby cake moon beam

During this full moon I  experience waves of emotion . Some of the energy is building, however, every now and then a SuNami wave will hit me. I will have a hard time, meditations help, however, being a cancerian , I can't live in my hard shell forever, so I cry--letting out the overflow of emotional energy in waves they come at you. Then everything is ok, toxins are out, my cup is not full. Feeling like I could hang out on the shore of the world ocean again and bask in the sun.

The sound of music

The sound of music can really be anything. From the band to the sound of the city to the sound of the night in the countryside or jungle. Music is always playing. You can play it in your head- your favorite tunes- you don't need a machine if you have herd music before. The sounds you like are filed away into your unconscious mind and if you love them enough - you can bring them to the chalkboard of the front door in your mind.Unleash the tunes , let them dance in your mind and take over for a while.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

listening to music at night while sleeping

I like to play music through the night while I sleep. My favorite is WAH and it is nice even turned down low. Music creates a pleasant vibration while keeping away negative entities that travel around during sleep times. Music transforms all energy and stimulates the mind, opening doors to conciousness of eternal love.

merging daily activities with music

I have found that when i listen to music, in the car, doing dishes, listening to play back of my performances, -- I become more efficient in being comfortable in my own skin while taking care of tasks, or visualizing future tasks. Even if it happens during meditatinf it happens while driving the car, music transends me to the light in my own being.